Stale Issues

Area Count
ambient 4
dual-stack 1
environments 9
extensions and telemetry 3
networking 8
perf and scalability 1
test and release 1
unassigned 10
upgrade 5
user experience 2
All Stale Issues
Repository Number Title Created Last Updated Assigned To
istio 34169 Settings for http2 initial stream/connection window sizes 20-Jul-2021 19-Apr-2024
istio 46012 Proposal: deprecate some logging options. 13-Jul-2023 19-Apr-2024
istio 46769 Kubernetes Gateway API samples do not work on AKS - suggested fix and docs improvement 30-Aug-2023 19-Apr-2024
istio 46791 Kubernetes Ingress: controller fails to update IP addresses in items.status.loadBalancer if controller service is not deployed in istio-system namespace 31-Aug-2023 19-Apr-2024
istio 47278 Forward B3 tracing headers in envoyExtAuthzHttp side requests 10-Oct-2023 19-Apr-2024
istio 47310 Support for readiness probe options for pilot in the helm chart 11-Oct-2023 19-Apr-2024
istio 48028 Memory leak in the Istio sidecar proxy 24-Nov-2023 19-Apr-2024
istio 48223 Istio 1.20 | http/1.1 protocol error: INVALID_HEADER_FORMAT 07-Dec-2023 19-Apr-2024
istio 48433 Datadog tracing issue where Datadog’s “operation name” field would contain what should be in the “resource name” field. 19-Dec-2023 19-Apr-2024
istio 48698 opentelemetry tracing breaks sidecar injection 09-Jan-2024 19-Apr-2024
istio 48702 Clean up annotations 09-Jan-2024 19-Apr-2024 linsun
istio 48715 Tracking bug: Reduce istio-agent binary size 09-Jan-2024 19-Apr-2024 howardjohn
istio 48739 After upgrading to istio 1.20.1 , communication fails to rds mysql 10-Jan-2024 19-Apr-2024
istio 48754 Intermittent CORS issue 10-Jan-2024 19-Apr-2024 ojasgo
istio 48763 http_proxy is routing incorrectly 11-Jan-2024 19-Apr-2024
istio 48764 Must we specify CA certificate into secret for mutual TLS ? 11-Jan-2024 19-Apr-2024 nature502
istio 48794 Consider automatic ENABLE_NATIVE_SIDECARS support 12-Jan-2024 19-Apr-2024
istio 48808 [IST0137] sample-bookinfo-argocd-server is associated with multiple services using targetPort "8080" but different ports: [80 443]. 15-Jan-2024 19-Apr-2024
istio 48816 The backend service warm-up using Ingress Gateway is not meeting expectations 16-Jan-2024 19-Apr-2024
istio 48829 IPv4 ServiceEntry is not tracked properly on EKS when using ISTIO_ENABLE_IPV4_OUTBOUND_LISTENER_FOR_IPV6_CLUSTERS 17-Jan-2024 19-Apr-2024
istio 48847 istio-ingress gw pods in istio-ingress ns uses PILOT_SAN to istiod.istio-system.svc:15012 and it does not uses canary istiod v1.18 or any. 18-Jan-2024 19-Apr-2024
istio 48856 invalid istiod yaml when no CPU limit is set and explicit variable is present 18-Jan-2024 19-Apr-2024
istio 48863 Having issue to rewrite uri using istio 18-Jan-2024 19-Apr-2024
istio 48894 Envoy throws codec_error:The_user_callback_function_failed 21-Jan-2024 20-Apr-2024
istio 48956 Add ability to set gateway container's lifecycle hooks 24-Jan-2024 19-Apr-2024
istio 49106 fix: avoid redirect previous established conn for ambient mode 31-Jan-2024 19-Apr-2024
istio 49353 Remove ambient bookinfo integration tests and move necessary ones to baseline echo int tests 13-Feb-2024 19-Apr-2024
istio 49782 Feature/istio proxy add additional volumes 07-Mar-2024 19-Apr-2024
istio 49825 enable ISTIO_MULTIROOT_MESH by default 10-Mar-2024 19-Apr-2024
istio 49876 Fix ambient cni improper retry 13-Mar-2024 19-Apr-2024
istio 49923 helm: Add default `divisor` for `GOMEMLIMIT` and `GOMAXPROCS` 14-Mar-2024 19-Apr-2024 13480 Consider enrich ambient architecture page 28-Jun-2023 28-Nov-2023 ronitblenz
operator 306 update controller version. 29-Sep-2019 28-Nov-2019