Stale Issues

Area Count
ambient 8
charts 2
dual-stack 1
environments 5
extensions and telemetry 3
networking 13
perf and scalability 2
security 5
test and release 2
unassigned 11
upgrade 3
user experience 8
All Stale Issues
Repository Number Title Created Last Updated Assigned To
istio 38982 IPTables Redirect rule causes tcp connection timeouts with multiple ports 17-May-2022 20-Nov-2024
istio 49076 default ISTIO_META_DNS_CAPTURE to true 30-Jan-2024 20-Nov-2024
istio 49496 istioctl proxy-config does not work on EKS IPv6 clusters 22-Feb-2024 20-Nov-2024
istio 50249 Analyzer for waypoint without anything enrolled 04-Apr-2024 20-Nov-2024
istio 50322 Remove concept of "full" push 08-Apr-2024 20-Nov-2024 howardjohn
istio 50990 istioctl doesn't correctly patch CPU requests/limits 11-May-2024 21-Nov-2024 dgn
istio 51173 CUSTOM AuthorizationPolicy filter Order 21-May-2024 20-Nov-2024
istio 51176 Remove init-container based CNI race condition repair for sidecars in favor of untaint controller. 21-May-2024 20-Nov-2024
istio 51190 istioctl should install Gateway API CRDs for you 22-May-2024 21-Nov-2024
istio 51548 Use of named templates in istiod helm chart precludes use as dependent sub-chart 12-Jun-2024 21-Nov-2024
istio 51998 `istioctl` does not follow Helm install or uninstall order for k8s resources 10-Jul-2024 20-Nov-2024
istio 52060 istio_tcp metrics are not reflecting open connection and network IO 15-Jul-2024 20-Nov-2024 zirain
istio 52105 gateway api status not reflected when running multiple istio version 17-Jul-2024 20-Nov-2024
istio 52217 Istio's 1.21 AuthorizationPolicy requestPrincipals aren't processed correctly if JWT contains "/*" in "sub" claim as well as exact match 22-Jul-2024 20-Nov-2024
istio 52237 Opentelemetry tracing provider causing prometheus metrics scraping to fail for some services 22-Jul-2024 20-Nov-2024
istio 52248 servicesDiff never reports unchangedSvcs, causes full push even only the endpoint is changed 23-Jul-2024 20-Nov-2024
istio 52257 Istioctl x workload entry configure, configmap not found when CM is istiod-22-3 (looking for istiod) 23-Jul-2024 21-Nov-2024
istio 52519 Applying DestinationRule with exportTo seems inconsistent. 05-Aug-2024 20-Nov-2024
istio 52553 Istioctl says fromNamespaces in CUSTOM AuthZ policy is not valid, but it appears to be 07-Aug-2024 20-Nov-2024
istio 52573 With Kubernetes Service IP we are getting all the Headers but with Istio gateway IP we are not getting all the header especially connection type keep-alive. 08-Aug-2024 20-Nov-2024
istio 52602 Better status writing 09-Aug-2024 20-Nov-2024
istio 52620 AWS EKS Istio Ambient connectivity not working(Health Check failure) 09-Aug-2024 20-Nov-2024
istio 52637 SidecarScope.DestinationRule should return the older catch all DR 12-Aug-2024 20-Nov-2024
istio 52646 integ test case for ServiceEntry added 12-Aug-2024 20-Nov-2024
istio 52652 can istioclt analyze subcommand analysis gw 404 error 13-Aug-2024 20-Nov-2024
istio 52665 Unable to trigger outlier detection on istio-ingressgateway 14-Aug-2024 20-Nov-2024
istio 52670 Deprecate and remove `` label in favor of more standard `` & `` labels 14-Aug-2024 20-Nov-2024
istio 52675 Document how to run ambient without elevated privileges/extra CRDs 14-Aug-2024 20-Nov-2024 howardjohn
istio 52677 Come up with consistent rules about what kinds of resources `` should be applied to 14-Aug-2024 20-Nov-2024
istio 52693 Proxy resource overrides through annotations are not mutually exclusive 15-Aug-2024 20-Nov-2024 shriramsharma
istio 52706 More Ambient analyzers 15-Aug-2024 20-Nov-2024
istio 52708 Minimize Ambient API surface where unclear 15-Aug-2024 20-Nov-2024
istio 52709 Publish Ambient conformance and protocol level specification 15-Aug-2024 20-Nov-2024
istio 52710 Improve Ambient mesh expansion doc 15-Aug-2024 20-Nov-2024
istio 52714 [Gateway-API] Incorrect Route Matching with Nested PathPrefix 15-Aug-2024 20-Nov-2024
istio 52716 virtual machine istiod on debian shows permission denied 15-Aug-2024 20-Nov-2024
istio 52719 integ-ambient-calico TestServiceRestart 15-Aug-2024 20-Nov-2024
istio 52788 Connection Loss Whenever Istiod Configmap is Updated 21-Aug-2024 20-Nov-2024
istio 52791 Datadog tracing spans_malformed(invalid_http_status_code) 21-Aug-2024 20-Nov-2024
istio 52802 Proxy memory usage spike during startup 21-Aug-2024 21-Nov-2024
istio 52948 added a testcase for isfilevalid 30-Aug-2024 20-Nov-2024
istio 53069 helm: support resources override for gateway injection 10-Sep-2024 20-Nov-2024
operator 306 update controller version. 29-Sep-2019 28-Nov-2019